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Cindy Smith verdict

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 8:37 am
by xp-100
At this time, I would like to personally thank Joe and Tina Cullison for all of the untold hours they have gone thru to help the organization recover what they could from the funds illegally taken from the IHMSA bank account by Cindy Smith. This is truly a mile stone for the well being of the IHMSA organization and all of its members as well. Tina is truly a patriot for being dedicated and sticking with this until if came to where it is today. Most everyone does not have a clue to what all it has gone thru for it could not be told for various legal reasons because it would jeopardize the well being of the legal case against Cindy Smith as you all now know and realize. Yes, hats off to the Cullison's for taking care of this matter. Tina, as Joe had said, is still working on this matter for all the effort has not been completed as yet for she is still going after matters that were wrongfully done in bad faith against the filing of the case by her lawyer and the first part of the court system. Tina is a fighter and I am very proud of her being a part if the IHMSA family.

Re: Cindy Smith verdict

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:43 am
by 260 Striker
Thanks for the update and especially all the hard work by the Cullisons. I look forward to the final resolution when it becomes available.

Re: Cindy Smith verdict

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:03 pm
by contender1121
Steve Martens was in attendance at the Oklahoma State Championships. Again, he could not say much but apparently a re-payment schedule has been worked out and if she does not adhere to it, off to the slammer she goes.

Re: Cindy Smith verdict

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:03 pm
by Proclaim
Huge thank you to Tina! The Cullison's are awesome and obviously fight for what is right. This 'will to win' is ever so rare in the world we currently live in. What a breath of fresh air to have members of IHMSA rise to the challenge. Thanks again to the Cullison's and anyone else involved in pursuing this issue. Also, thanks for keeping the IHMSA family informed.

Re: Cindy Smith verdict

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:56 pm
by xp-100
I will give just a little up date for where we stand with the Smith ordeal. As of the present time I can't remember the exact amount the Smith's have repaid but it is around $10,000.00. As far as I know, there is still not set schedule of repayment etched in stone.

Re: Cindy Smith verdict

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:12 am
by forest341
Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!! very much to Tina & Joe Cullison for all the work in this matter against the Smiths.

It is infuriating to think about what they have done as I read about it from my distant bleacher seat. It must have been unbelievably difficult to be in Tina's position in court and listen to the excuses and lies, in person, that the Smiths keep pumping out. How did you keep from just wanting to scream at them? How did you manage to look at them without complete contempt show on your face for the entire coutroom to see?
I have had a legal battle once and the length of time to wait for anything and everything was so frustrating. The amount of paperwork and legal bureaucracy seemed like it would never end, and was going nowhere but onto more courtroom paper stacks to get lost on. So for the amount of work done by Tina on this matter could only be truck loads more.
The amount of appreciation that our organization owes Tina & Joe Cullison for taking on this long ugly battle, and winning can't be overstated!