August Match Results - Ascension Silhouette

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high standard 40
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August Match Results - Ascension Silhouette

Post by high standard 40 »

AUGUST 2, 2015

In IHMSA, as in our everyday life, there are many memorable moments. Reaching our own personal goals is high on that list of memories. But also, for me at least, seeing a friend reach a hard fought goal is on that list as well. David Heintz is a longtime IHMSA member and has been shooting with us for a few years. David had never shot a Smallbore 40X40, At least not until our August match, that is. David started out with a stock Ruger Charger. My brother Philip advised him from time to time about beneficial modifications and his scores rose. A tip here and some advice there and we arrived at our match Sunday. David started his entry and by the time I thought to check in on him, he had finished turkeys with no misses. He waved me off, not wanting to talk about it and jinx him so I left him to engage the Rams. At the time I was shooting Fifth Scale turkeys and I missed my first target. From that point I must admit that I was watching David as much as I was my own targets. He cleaned his first bank of rams. Again, I declined to attempt any small talk while the targets were reset, honoring David’s request to be left alone. The “Load” and “Fire” commands were given for his final five shots and again I watched his targets as much as my own. I cleaned all my turkeys and just as my last target fell, I saw David’s last ram fall for his first perfect score. Congratulations David, they should get easier from here on out. Allen Gaskin came down from Jackson, MS to fire three entries today. Jay Clark was also on hand and fired his third consecutive UAS 40. Which reminds me. We should soon start having some interesting shoot offs in the future with all these UAS 40s, but not today because Jay had to leave early. Thanks to my wife Carolyn for again braving the heat to set targets all day and special thanks to Bob and David for staying to help pick up the range.


U/INT................Allen Gaskin..............Anschutz.....................38
R/INT................Allen Gaskin..............Freedom Arms...............36
UAS/INT.............Jay Clark..................T/C Contender..............40
UAS-INT..............Philip Braud..............Ruger Charger...............40
UAS/INT.............Allen Gaskin..............Anschutz......................35
UAS/INT.............Ricahard West............Anschutz.....................37
UAS/AAA............David Heintz..............Ruger Charger...............40
UAS/AAA............Bob Stevens...............Anschutz.....................36


UASFS/AAA.........Charlie Braud.............Anschutz.....................38
UASFS/AAA.........David Heintz..............Ruger Charger...............36
UASFS/AAA.........Bob Stevens...............Anschutz.....................27


PHSC/INT...........Philip Braud...............T/C 22 Hornet...............40
PH22LR/AAA.......Charla Johnson............Ruger Charger...............26 -- Non Member
PH22LR/A..........David Heintz...............Ruger MK.....................16
IHMSA Member since 1980
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Re: August Match Results - Ascension Silhouette

Post by 260 Striker »

Congrats to David and the others who shot perfect small bore entries. Shooting a perfect score is definitely harder in small bore since there is less margin of error on the smaller targets. I know I have never been able to shoot a perfect small bore score!!!
Lynn Shultz
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