ACSC 3-4-2018

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ACSC 3-4-2018

Post by 35isit »

Got the first one out of the way. Lots of wind and lots of stuck rams. Wind was blowing from behind them and occasionally holding one up. I lost one. Ricky lost two. Will lost one. And Ted lost a couple. So you see they were equal opportunity offenders. The old blind shotgun shooter Will dropped by to see us. Promptly shot a BB Revolver 39 Production 38 (with a stuck ram) Unlimited 40 and a SB Production 39. My only saving grace was he missed a small bore ram and I missed a small bore turkey in UAS. So I technically was high small bore gun for the day.

Our match director D Bemis was involved in a car accident about a month ago. Nearly lost his index finger on his left hand. Please think about him and his recovery if you will.

Big Bore
R INT W Curlin 39
P INT W Curlin 38
UAS INT R Foster 38
UAS AAA G Rhineheimer 32
S INT T Malone 20
U INT W Curlin 40 +5
UAS UNC G Parsons 23

Small Bore
US AA T Malone 16
US A S Rafferty 17
U AA G Rhineheimer 21
P INT W Curlin 39
UAS INT G Rhineheimer 39
UAS UNC D Bemis 26
UAS UNC D Bemis 27 (re-entry)

Field Pistol
PAS-AAA S Rafferty 21

Our next match is April 8th the second Sunday. The first Sunday is Easter.
Life Member of N.R.A.
80X80 7/27/2010
Ky State Director
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