ihmsa internationals pins

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ihmsa internationals pins

Post by therose7 »

as many of you know, i have been trying to assemble a complete set of ihmsa internationals pins.
i am now down to seven missing, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1987, 1998, 2001, and the chicken reading "wrhmsc 76."

recently i got a 1980 duplicate along with a number of others on ebay. i had to buy them all to get the two i wanted. if anyone has one i am missing and would like to trade for a 1980, please email me.

they must have belonged to someone who shot a lot around 1980 because there were almost two dozen, mostly the old ram pins which were awarded for winning categories at matches. most of these are of no interest to me, but it occurred to me that some club would like them to award as very retro trophies for winners. these are at least 30 years old and probably 35 years old. if you want them, please email me, and i will mail them to you. <therose7@earthlink.net> first come, first served.

best regards,
eric king
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Re: ihmsa internationals pins

Post by Hosspower »

I picked up some pins on ebay. The back row are the internationals pins. 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1987. Also got a bunch of category and class place pins. All rams. I would trade the 87 pin for an 80.

The front row are pins my brother found that my dad had gotten from when he was shooting. These we are keeping.
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Re: ihmsa internationals pins

Post by therose7 »

i would like to thank a very gracious and generous dave edney for gifting me with two of the pins i am missing from my collection of ihmsa internationals pins.
he added 1979 and 1987 to my collection.

now i am down to five: 1977 (this actually may not exist. the late dave whitman who attended that match told me that all he had was a patch for 1977. if anyone has a 1977 pin, please let me know and, if possible, add a scan of this pin to this thread.), 1978, 1998, 2001, and the chicken pin reading "wrhmsc 76."

my intention is to will all the pins and patches i have to the organization when i leave the range. the internationals ones are mounted on an oak panel, and whoever is the president can bring them to the world championships every year so that they can be displayed the way the rotating trophies are displayed.

i also am interested in patches from the internationals. so far all i have is 1978 and 1981. i know that a 1977 patch exists because dave whitman had one, but i don't know if any others exist. i would appreciate it greatly if anyone who has information about others would email me and send me scans of them.

one last thing: there was a match in 1975 in fort bliss, texas, and if anyone has any memorabilia from that, i would be interested in knowing about it.


thanks again, dave.

as the fellow used to say, "let's shoot silhouettes."
the old guy.
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Re: ihmsa internationals pins

Post by encore22 »

I read this post and it made me check to see if I had any extra pins that were needed. I attended all the Internationals at Oak Ridge and found a note with my pins that no pin was given out for 1998. Could someone verify that a pin was indeed given or was none given for that match?
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Re: ihmsa internationals pins

Post by therose7 »

i just read your post from back in january 2017 where you said that no pin was given for the 1998 internationals.
this makes some sense in that i have been looking to finish my collection of ihmsa internationals pins for several years , and not only have i not found a 1998, i never have found anyone who had one including several people who went to most of the internationals around that time.

with this note about 1998 at this point it appears i may have completed the collection.

i want to thank my friend, the late dave whitman, most recently of bend, oregon, for leaving to me all his ihmsa memorabilia. among this treasure trove that dave was kind enough to leave me are a patch and a paper hand out/ad from the el paso (fort bliss rod and gun club) october 1976 match where ihmsa was founded, and a chicken pin from the los angeles western regional handgun metallic silhouette championship in june 1976 which predates the founding of ihmsa. also included in this group of participation items was a 1978 kansas internationals pin.

dave told me he had not attended the very first handgun silhouette match in 1975 in tucson, arizona, but he had read about it in a gun magazine, and he attended just about everything after that up to about 1990 when he moved back east from california. dave made a habit of saving just about anything ihmsa related which was given out at the internationals, and he said that he believed the fort bliss 1976 patch was the only thing handed out in el paso. there was no pin. in elgin gates' book, metallic silhouette shooting, there is a picture of dave among the winners of the 1976 match, and he was member number 19, and signed up at the match, so there can be no doubt he was there. this leads me to believe that his memory of this event was correct. there was no pin given out at that match, just the patch.

the 1977 internationals were held in san fernando, california, and i found no pins or patches for this match among dave's framed and mounted collection of pins and patches. since i can't imagine that he was not there, and he did not seem to have lost anything, i think we can assume that there were no pins or patches for that match.

since i now have all the pins from 1978 to the present missing 1998, i assume this is everything.

i do want to thank mike dewey for allowing me to pry the 2001 pin off his shooting box. he had told me that if i got down to just that one, he would give it to me, and he did, this despite the fact that this was his very favorite pin. it may well be the nicest one, even better than the four animals on a surfboard which was for the 2015 internationals at the los angeles silhouette club. to show my gratitude i can only say, "ok, mike, i'll marry you... to meg." there is nothing lgbt+ going on here. i am a minister of the universal life church, and i am happy to announce that i will be performing the wedding ceremony of mike dewey and meg christensen the weekend after the lasc extravaganza.

one thing about which i am curious: there were patches for 1976, 1978, 1979, 1981, and 1982, but there was none for 1980 in dave's collection. does anyone know if there was a 1980 patch, or was that just a year when the directors in massachusetts did not create one?

obviously if anyone has anything from the 1977 internationals, i would like to know about it. ditto from 1998.

thanks to everyone for their help on this project.
when i leave the range, i plan to leave the organization the plank on which all the pins are mounted along with all my and dave's achievement pins, 40 x 40, 140 x 160, etc. there are a lot of them. we both seemed to buy them regularly. one thing which he had which i never earned, the 10 turkeys and the 10 rams in a row standing pins. not many ever managed that.

let's keep on shooting silhouettes,
the old guy
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Re: ihmsa internationals pins

Post by therose7 »

as far as i can tell, i finally have ended my quest for the complete run of ihmsa internationals pins. the late dave whitman left me his ihmsa memorabilia, and i created a very nice memorial to him which is on the wall at the los angeles silhouette club. anyone visiting there in the future should take a look at it.

this left me missing only two pins, 1977 and 2001. the second from the last was 2001. this was given to me by my good friend mike dewey whom i married last weekend... to his girl friend meg. i occasionally perform weddings. a good time was had by all, and the ceremony was quite original. if it wasn't inappropriate for this website, i would tell the story of the odd and humorous event that occurred that night after the reception.

the last, 1977, came to me from ron ricci of maine. ron was one of the folks there at the dawn of ihmsa, and he had the pin from the 1977 internationals which were held in los angeles. this is now mounted with the others on an unusual oak panel. when i leave the range, it will go to the organization to bring to the world championships every year like the rotating trophies. i really want to thank ron a great, great deal. this pin meant a lot to him, and i appreciate it a great deal.

i now have asked several long term ihmsa members who believe they were at the 1998 internationals. each looked through his ihmsa memorabilia and could not find a pin for that year. also a couple of other posts on this website said they thought there was no pin that year. if by some wild chance one of you has one, please email me a scan of it.
the old guy

ps. meg and mike: live happily ever after.
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Re: ihmsa internationals pins

Post by therose7 »

i should have posted this a while ago, but i forgot that i had left this matter hanging out there.
with the help of a number of very gracious ihmsa members i was able to finish off the collection of ihmsa internationals and world championships pins.
the late dave whitman, the original member number 19, told me several times, "you can have mine when i die."
i never expected him to die before i did, then he was standing in his hallway and fell over dead.
it was a good way to go, no pain, just "thud," and his daughter rushed in to find him on the floor.
he was a great old guy, the best of the words "good old boy."

i waited a couple of months and contacted his son, bret, who had all his memorabilia.
i told him how his father had promised me the missing pins on several occasions when i had taken him out to dinner or just handed him a margarita.
his son felt that if his father had promised me this material, he would be happy to give it to me.
he had six large boxes of old trophies and some great ihmsa stuff.
i took a box of it along with the three pins i wanted, and i promised his son i would make a memorial to his father to mount on the walls of the club house at the los angeles range where he had achieved so many successes in the early days.
i put this together and mounted it on the walls. everyone said it looked great. a couple of months later a wildfire burned up the canyon, and the entire clubhouse was destroyed. the only things of the memorial which survived were his original "IHMSA 19" license plate and his sass membership badge. i have the badge above the computer on which i am writing this, and the remains of the license plate are next to my loading press.

after i got dave's stuff, i was missing one pin, 1977. i met a fellow who was an early match director, and he was kind enough to sell me the 1976 chicken pin from the match at which ihmsa was founded, and the 1977 pin from the first internationals.

there were no pins in 1998 and 2018, and i have the rest of them thanks to the gracious folks all of whom helped a lot.

eric king 15213 L
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