BF pistol issues….a question….or two.

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BF pistol issues….a question….or two.

Post by Shaggy357 »

I loaded up some ammo for a 6.5 US BF pistol. I had 3 of eight rounds with light hammer strikes. Out of all of my BFs this is the first issue of this type. Hammer spring feels the same as the others. Action appears to be opening and closing as normal. Trigger pull feels fine.
Upon inspecting the action, what little you can see, there is a shiny disc that comes up in front of the firing pin. It is a transfer bar safety of some type. When the trigger is clicked twice and sitting back in the fire position this bar will drop a little bit when the trigger is pulled.
I am tempted to take out some Prussian blue to start checking to see what is hitting what when the trigger is pulled. Before doing that I thought I would do to things first:

Double check my ammo for OAL and fitment.
Check here to see if anyone has information on assembly/disassembly of a BF and how that safety is supposed to work.

Minimal info on line. Will be checking with Eben for info also.
Steve. :)

“Life is a play before an audience of one. When your play is over, will your audience stand and applaud, or stay seated and cry?” Shaggy357 2002
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Re: BF pistol issues….a question….or two.

Post by i26963 »

The shiny button you see is the spring loaded firing pin. When the hammer is cocked, a transfer block moves up and when the trigger is pulled, the hammer strikes the transfer bar, which in turn, strikes the firing pin.
I’ve worked on them quite a bit, since I have 10 BF’s.
I’ve got written disassembly instructions somewhere. I’ll find them and send to you. Not difficult to take apart, just a little tricky the first few times you do it,
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Re: BF pistol issues….a question….or two.

Post by i26963 »

I actually posted the instructions on the forum long ago.
Here’s a link
Hope this helps ... ons#p16606
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Re: BF pistol issues….a question….or two.

Post by Shaggy357 »

Thank you so much, Melvin. I checked my 6.5 US vs my 7US and 6.5 BRM. Action seems to work exactly the same as far a motion, sound etc. The only difference in the 6.5 US appeared to be trigger over travel adjustment and the trigger assembly movement. This gun hasn’t been fired much. Fresh oil and a dozen years of safe dust removal may have helped. I will take to the range and check it out. The instructions you sent will be used in plan B. Thanks again.
Steve. :)

“Life is a play before an audience of one. When your play is over, will your audience stand and applaud, or stay seated and cry?” Shaggy357 2002
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Re: BF pistol issues….a question….or two.

Post by LOCKHART »

I have one of the original BF pistols that I bought from Bert Stringfellow, former IHMSA
President* I ordered it with an 8oz trigger* The instructions that came with it said to
use ONLY Federal primers, as they had the softest cups* Of course, being the horses butt
that I was at the time, I tried different primers! They were right! The only primers that
would function in my BF pistol were Federal* So, from then on that's the only brand I use*
You might give em a try*
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